Friday, May 26, 2006

Toastmasters Speech #5: Straw into Gold

Click here for the movie! (MPEG-4 format, 21 MB)

<a href=""><img src="" width=640 height=480></a>

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This was a poorly-planned speech I did last week on the fiber arts. I had "speaker's block" until the morning of the speech, so I wasn't as well-prepared as I normally am (as evidenced by the fact that I don't have a practice video to show here). The goal of Speech #4 is to use body language and gesture. I didn't take advantage of the opportunity this topic gave me for doing so, and more to the point, I failed to get the heck out from behind the lectern! My next speech is scheduled for sometime after June 14. Expect more vlogs between now and then, though-- summer's here!