Cat Training Video
Click here for the movie! (MPEG-4 format, 5.2 MB)
Technorati tags: geotagged geovlogged vlog videoblog
posted by Mortaine @ 10:13 AM
"Hold My Beer and Watch This!" is a video blog of Stephanie, a thirty-one year old woman from California.
I'm a thirty-one year old married tech writer in California. I have one cat, many betta fish, and no human children.
I post my vlog entries in MPEG-4 format using the H.264 codec so they will be iPod-compatible. You can view them using QuickTime 7 (download without iTunes) On Linux, you can install MPEG4IP or any other MPEG4 player, though I don't know if h.264 works on them.
How do I do that?!?
First, you need to make the movie. I use a camcorder and iMovie, which came with my Mac. If you're on Windows, you might use Windows Movie Maker. Once you have made your movie, there's a tutorial right here for posting your vlog entries to the Internet, or you can wait till July and buy my book Videoblogging for Dummies.
Tell me more!
How about I point you to some links?